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Say "NO" to Drugs, Alcohol or Smoking

Activity description:

In this activity, you will read a short book about alcohol, drugs and smoking. You will then create a drama performance about the effects of using these substances.




1. Form groups of up to 4-5 people.


2. In your groups, read the story below by clicking on either of the links (you may need to ask your teacher for help). While reading the book, take some notes of the effects of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes on the body and why people use them.


3. Using the information you collected, choose a substance and create a 1-3 minute drama performance of a group of friends participating in these negative behaviours and the consequences that follow. (Hint: try to include the consequences of drugs, alcohol and smoking on individuals and the community around them). You could also choose to have different characters using each substance.


4. Present your performances for your class to watch.

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an ebook

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