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Learning Objectives

This unit of work will provide students with a variety of activities that will allow them to investigate and develop practices that will enable them to make healthy lifestyle choices. It will cover aspects of health eating, exercise and the negative effects of substances on the body. 

Key Learning Areas


  • Propose and implement actions and protective strategies that promote health, safety, wellbeing and physically active spaces. (PD3-7)

    • ​Understand the positive and negative effects of substances on the body, eg alcohol, tobacco, analgesic

    • Plan for healthy food and drink habits which reflect the Australian Government dietary guidelines and advice for children

  • Create and participate in physical activities to promote healthy and active lifestyles. (PD3-8)

  • Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in a variety of movement sequences and situations (ACPMP061)

My Time Our Place Framework

  • Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing 30 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.

  • Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children develop dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. Children use a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials (ACECQA).


  • Use appropriate methods to collect data and construct, interpret and evaluate data displays, including dot plots, line graphs and two-way tables. (MA3-18SP) 

    • ​collect categorical and numerical data through observation or by conducting surveys.

    • tabulate collected data, including numerical data, with and without the use of digital technologies such as spreadsheets

    • ​construct column and line graphs of numerical data using a scale of many-to-one correspondence, with and without the use of digital technologies

Science and Technology

  • plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and summarises data to communicate conclusions.

  • Students develop knowledge and understanding of:digital technologies including digital systems and how digital technologies represent data. (ESA)

Creative Arts

  • Develops a range of in-depth and sustained roles. (DRAS3.1)

  • Devises, acts and rehearses drama for performance to an audience. (3.3)​​

    •  devises, rehearses and acts in drama using voice and movement skills to convey meaning to an audience.

    • devises drama in collaboration with others using scripted and unscripted material as resources for drama performance.

    • consider how artists represent ideas and feelings in abstract artworks through the use of symbols.

    • explore their own identity in an artwork.


  • Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts. (ESA)

  • Use an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies, applying appropriate text strategies, eg predicting and confirming, monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning. (ESA)

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